Fed Tax Rates – 2022

Federal Income Tax Brackets and Rates
Tax Year 2022

2022 Federal Income Tax Brackets and Rates for Single Filers, Married Couples Filing Jointly, and Heads of Households
Tax RateFor Single FilersFor Married Individuals Filing Joint ReturnsFor Heads of Households
10%$0 to $10,275$0 to $20,550$0 to $14,650
12%$10,275 to $41,775$20,550 to $83,550$14,650 to $55,900
22%$41,775 to $89,075$83,550 to $178,150$55,900 to $89,050
24%$89,075 to $170,050$178,150 to $340,100$89,050 to $170,050
32%$170,050 to $215,950$340,100 to $431,900$170,050 to $215,950
35%$215,950 to $539,900$431,900 to $647,850$215,950 to $539,900
37%$539,900 or more$647,850 or more$539,900 or more

Source: Internal Revenue Service

2022 Standard Deduction
Filing StatusDeduction Amount
Married Filing Jointly$25,900
Head of Household$19,400

Source: Internal Revenue Source

2022 Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) Exemptions
Filing StatusExemption Amount
Unmarried Individuals$75,900
Married Filing Jointly$118,100

Source: Internal Revenue Source

2022 Alternative Minimum  Tax (AMT) Exemption Phaseout Thresholds
Filing StatusThreshold
Unmarried Individuals$539,900
Married Filing Jointly$1,079,800

Source: Internal Revenue Source

2022 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Parameters
Filing Status No ChildrenOne ChildTwo ChildrenThree or More Children
Single or Head of HouseholdIncome at Max Credit$7,320$10,980$15,410$15,410
Maximum Credit$560$3,733$6,164$6,935
Phaseout Begins$9,160$20,130$20,130$20,130
Phaseout Ends (Credit Equals Zero)$16,480$43,492$49,399$53,057
Married Filing JointlyIncome at Max Credit$7,320$10,980$15,410$15,410
Maximum Credit$560$3,733$6,164$6,935
Phaseout Begins$15,920$26,260$26,260$26,260
Phaseout Ends (Credit Equals Zero)$22,610$49,622$55,529$59,187

Source: Internal Revenue Service

2022 Capital Gains Tax Brackets
 For Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income OverFor Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns, Taxable Income OverFor Heads of Households, Taxable Income Over

Source: Internal Revenue Service

2022 Qualified Business Income Deduction Thresholds
Filing StatusThreshold
Unmarried Individuals$170,050
Married Filing Jointly$340,100

Source: Internal Revenue Service

Annual Exclusion for Gifts

In 2022, the first $16,000 of gifts to any person are excluded from tax, up from $15,000. The exclusion is increased to $164,000 from $159,000 for gifts to spouses who are not citizens of the United States.